Sustained Value Added

Forex724 views financial intermediaries such as asset managers, funds, and independent brokerage firms not as competitors, but as potential clients and partners. Our products and services can assist you in planning and implementing effective investment strategies to provide you with the best possible client support.

As partners of Forex724, financial intermediaries can improve the quality of their customer service and investment performance, allowing them to focus more effectively on their core business. This enables them to create sustainable value added for their clients.

Our brokerage team and investment experts develop customized investment solutions and hedging strategies for financial intermediaries using a wide range of derivatives and structured products, as well as through global trading in foreign exchange, indices, and securities. Our electronic platform for direct trading of derivatives and foreign exchange, leveraged trading, block order processing, and our ability to process customer orders around the clock enable them to quickly and efficiently capitalize on market opportunities.

As a prime broker for financial intermediaries, we offer a comprehensive range of services to ensure the correct handling of financial transactions. Thanks to our access to the wholesale market and partnerships with renowned banks and financial institutions, our clients can benefit from attractive price spreads.

Introducer Brokers not only benefit from compensation but also receive support in designing their acquisition and roll-out plans for success in selected markets.

We are also available to advise you on setting up your own fund and will assess the legal framework from administrators to distribution for each case.